Green Heron Photography
Grand Falls Waterfall

Grand Falls waterfall is the largest continuously flowing natural waterfall in Missouri. It is located in Joplin in the southwest region of Missouri.

Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Great Smoky Mountains National Park in Tennessee-North Carolina

North American River Otter

Pair of North American River Otters (Lontra canadensis) at Wildcat Glades in Joplin, Missouri

Yellow Peony

Yellow peony at Springfield Botanical Gardens in Springfield, Missouri

Tanyard Creek Waterfall

Tanyard Creek waterfall at Tanyard Creek Park in Bella Vista, Arkansas

Grand Falls Waterfall

Grand Falls waterfall is the largest continuously flowing natural waterfall in Missouri. It is located in Joplin in the southwest region of Missouri.

Watkins Woolen Mill State Park and State Historic Site

Watkins Woolen Mill State Park and State Historic Site in Lawson, Missouri

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly

Eastern tiger swallowtail butterfly feeding in backyard

Prothonotary Warbler Sitting

Prothonotary warbler sitting at Wildcat Glades in Joplin, Missouri

Mississippi Kite Sitting In Tree

Mississippi kite (Ictinia mississippiensis) sitting in tree at Center Creek Park in Carl Junction, Missouri

Bradford Pear Flowers Close-Up

Bradford pear flowers blooming in spring in close-up

Grand Falls Waterfall

Grand Falls waterfall is the largest continuously flowing natural waterfall in Missouri. It is located in Joplin in the southwest region of Missouri.

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